July 21, 2017


Sometimes travel comes in the form of a lovely trip you never intended to take. That's exactly how I had the opportunity to explore Entebbe, Uganda. After missing my flight the first time I was in Uganda I got to the airport SEVEN HOURS EARLY to catch this flight. [Paranoid much?]

As I sat there I look up and realize the status of my flight has changed. cancelled. I honestly wasn't so thrilled. I wanted to be home. I did the planning. I missed the people. I didn't bring enough clothes to get stranded for a day? two days? many days?

But then the kindest driver took me to the hotel the airlines uses. It was beautiful and wonderful and on the banks of Lake Victoria. Okay Jesus, you win. You did all the things. I'll enjoy margaritas by the pool if you insist. Suddenly being stranded just wasn't so bad.

Lake Victoria.

Lake Victoria.

Lake Victoria, right outside the hotel.

Selfie at Lake Victoria.

Courtyard View.

View outside my window- like I said not so bad right?

Beach at Entebbe Zoo.

Beach at Entebbe Zoo.

Lions at the zoo.

Cheetah at the zoo.

It was beautiful.

Seriously beautiful.

My absolute FAVORITE.

So much love for elephants.

Elephant at Entebbe Zoo.

So graceful.

Giraffes at Entebbe Zoo.

Lake Victoria.

Lake Victoria.


Palms on the Bank of Lake Victoria.

Palms on the Bank of Lake Victoria.

Palms on the beach in Uganda.

Palms on the beach in Uganda.

Palms on the beach in Uganda.
Alright, I'll have a margarita by the pool if you insist.

Jesus-all of them, Laura-0.

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