January 16, 2011

It's a Birthday Kind of Day!

Today is a special day. Today is the very day that B, one of my oldest and dearest friends turns the magical 21! As you can see from the pictures we've been friends for NINE years, which considering we were 12 when we met and are now 20 and 21 we've changed a ton, so 9 seems like a pretty big number.

Last night we talked on the phone at exactly 12am for our annual birthday phone date, and it absolutely astounds me how we have grown up so much yet it feels like nothing at all has changed in our friendship. We talked about the "good 'ole days" and how different things are and how much fun we used to have. And how horribly olllllddddd we are becoming when we know that we really aren't old at all. We also discussed all of our childhood dreams we have yet to fulfill.. such as travel, become CEO of a walmart, and write our own rap album. (We were such cool kids!) I can't wait to see how different things are in 10 years and what new adventures we have!

I can't wait to see how much more change happens as the years get bigger! I wish I could be there with you tonight on your big 21st! I feel like it's something we've talked about forever.

"Here's a little something from me to you. One is pretty cute and new and the other, well it might make you kinda blue. And no matter what we go through, what we achieve and what we do, Please know that I will always, always, always be here for be here for you."

Happy Happy Birthday B!

Love always and forever,


College Skype Dates :)
Junior Year Football Games
Mrs. Blevin's 10th grade bio class.
(we were always in trouble for talking!)
Ms. Cox's 10th grade English Class
10th Grade Homecoming at Hardrock Cafe
10th grade in the band hallway.
10th grade Homecoming.
Best Friends forever and ever :)

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