August 18, 2017

That one time my bestie got Engaged.

This engagement story was months and months in the making. Keith and I sat at Thanksgiving planning the idea and discussing timing months and months before Lauren had any clue he would pop the question. Then I got to surprise my best friend by not going to Uganda but instead arriving in London to be there as Keith proposed. 

We were on the beautiful Millennium Bridge watching and waiting for Lauren + her family to walk across. I used every Jane Bond skill I had to be the lookout for Keith. We even dodged the group of drag queens to get the good photos. 

But to see the look on her face when she realized that Keith was in London and down on one knee when he was supposed to be in the States was amazing and worth it and perfect. Then when she saw me and started crying all over again, and well that was just the icing on a perfectly happy cake.

London is beautiful.

Millennium Bridge where Keith proposed to Lauren.

Millennium Bridge where Keith proposed to Lauren.

Millennium Bridge where Keith proposed to Lauren.

They're engaged!

The moment Lauren realized I wasn't in Uganda but was standing right there.

Beautiful Location.

Selfies + Lookout for when Lauren was coming.

Sunset over Millennium Bridge.

Legit took this photo to see if they were coming across the bridge.

Millennium Bridge.

Millennium Bridge.

With Keith before he popped the question to Lauren.

St. Peter's.

Walking to the locale where Keith proposed to Lauren.

Proposal, including dashing around randoms on the bridge.

I'm so thankful that I was able to spend those few days in London with some of my favorite people, even if it meant ugly crying part two as we said goodbye again.

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