August 3, 2017


It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to. 

But seriously. 

Birthdays are so rough. And awesome. And rough when you just sent your family off. I'm so thankful to have a tribe full of awesome people that make missing them hard. 

A year ago I was sitting on the beach, thinking about how different 26 would be, how weird 25 was and looking forward to the craziest year of my life yet. 

Now here I sit one year later, one year wiser, one year older, celebrating 27 in Uganda, Africa. This year I want to show up. Show up in life in big ways.

We get one big life here on Earth and I want to make it count. I want to be able to say goodbye to year 26 proud of what I've learned and excited about all that God is doing for 27. I know myself better than I did a year ago- wouldn't that be the greatest? If we could end each year and enter another knowing and liking ourselves better and better? Being more comfortable in our own skin. Trusting ourselves and our bodies with the work we have in this life. Thanks Jesus for continued understanding and love as we move through this insane thing called life. 

26, you've been an adventure. A wild, crazy, epic adventure full of terrible moments and joyful moments. Moments that brought me so much understanding about the world and my place in it. Moments that were difficult and uncomfortable and full of strife and frustration. Moments that brought so much joy and laughter I was in tears. Moments of friendship and love and purpose. Thank you. Thank you for giving me another year to be and to learn and to impact and love. 

27 you'll be no different. 


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